Jeroen Bolluijt

Sustainability management

Since 2021, my focus is on sustainability, climate change and nature positive solutions. I work closely with corporations to create and implement sustainability programs aimed at reducing their carbon footprint and preserving our natural environment. To make it happen, I bring together my deep understanding of sustainability topics with a wealth of expertise in business development, project management and entrepreneurship. As a passionate sustainability advocate and adept leader, I have provided strategic sustainability consulting for top-tier companies ERM, Aurecon, and Accounting for Nature.

My volunteer positions include being the lead of the Forbes sustainability group, a member of the European Net-Zero Data Public Utility and RIAA nature working group as well as a mentor at Carbon13 in London.

Climate tech entrepreneur

My first start-up, PVM analytics, used analytics and logic to predict where large projects would run into problems so business could take extra steps to prevent them. This business was sold to Deloitte in 2016 and is being used in 25 countries around the world.

Next, I became co-founder of Salesforce system integrator Brooke Global, a business driven to make the world a better place by solving complex client problems through digital transformation.

In 2017 I co-founded the social impact consultancy Huber Social. This business came out of the work I was doing on the Board of Stepping Stone House. We wanted to make sure that what we were doing was adding to the wellbeing of those we served. But there was nothing that measured wellbeing effectively. So, we set up Huber Social with Oxford University and the United Nations Data forum to create the Huber Social Wellbeing Measurement Framework™.

Project Manager

In my role as a project manager, I've excelled at translating ideas into actionable plans, ensuring successful execution. I have managed complex business transformation programs for Australian banks and have been the co-author of several project management standards.

Numerous businesses have come to understand that a significant portion of their carbon footprint cannot be solely attributed to their own immediate operations. Instead, it stems from activities within the larger value chain, whether upstream or downstream. To make substantial reductions, effective collaboration among multiple organizations is necessary.