TNFD Australia

'JBNotes' Expertise in TNFD Australia Initiatives

Managing risks associated with climate change and biodiversity loss are strategic business management priorities. 

For businesses to succeed and prosper, it's critical for them to recognise their dependance and impacts on nature. Furthermore, it’s important to identify the risks and opportunities related to mainstreaming nature throughout decision-making processes and operations. 

Businesses are increasingly cognizant that protecting and restoring nature is good for business. Being nature positive helps companies manage and mitigate risks, enhances their resilience, and can unlock a variety of business opportunities.

The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) initiative provides recommendations to help organisations integrate nature into their decision-making process and disclose their dependencies and impacts on nature. 

Find out more below about how and why to manage your corporate nature risks using the TNFD recommendations and guidance, and how our TNFD Australia team can assist you.

TNFD Australia: A brief overview of nature-related disclosures

The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) has developed a set of recommendations for corporates, enabling them to report on and disclose their dependencies and impacts on nature and related risks and opportunities.

These recommendations can help businesses and financial institutions to mainstream and integrate nature into all their decision-making processes. 

By providing a framework for disclosure and for managing risks, TNFD helps companies to take action to minimise risks, harness opportunities, and protect and restore nature throughout value chains. The ultimate goal is to help businesses take transformational action to be nature positive.

Building on existing frameworks and standards, TNFD’s disclosure recommendations are centred around four sustainability, biodiversity and climate related pillars: governance, strategy, risk and impact management, and metrics and targets.

Wherever your company operates, whether it’s in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane or somewhere else - our TNFD Australia team can help you apply the TNFD recommendations and develop nature based solutions

Reasons to manage your corporate nature-related risks

Identifying and managing corporate environmental assets and the ecosystem services needed for your businesses to thrive and survive, can help your businesses remain competitive, prosperous, resilient and future-proof. 

Nature has become a strategic risk management priority for businesses. Therefore, protecting and enhancing nature is a vital component of corporate governance. 

In addition to helping businesses better manage risks, reporting on your business’ reliance and impacts on nature can also be an opportunity to discover new business models, innovate new products and services, and to enhance your brand’s reputation. 

JBNotes and nature-related financial disclosures in Australia

Is your Australian business ready to enhance your sustainability and corporate governance? Do you want to harness the opportunities associated with being nature positive? 

At JBNotes, our TNFD Australia team can assist you in applying the TNFD recommendations and help you build resilience and reputation, enhance productivity and prosperity, and become leaders in corporate governance in Australia. 

Contact us to discuss working collaboratively to create a roadmap for your business sustainability journey.