How Is Biodiversity Managed

Exploring Biodiversity Management and Consultancy with JBNotes

There is a compelling business case for the sustainable management of biodiversity and nature. To successfully manage biodiversity, businesses first need to understand what biodiversity is and how to measure biodiversity.

The World Economic Forums’ Future of Nature and Business report identifies business opportunities in protecting and restoring nature over the next decade could amount to $10 trillion each year, spawning millions of new jobs in the process. 

On the flipside, almost a million species are at risk of extinction, and biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation are spiralling us towards a sixth mass extinction. Biodiversity loss also undermines our ability to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals

With serious ecological, economic and social consequences, it’s imperative that all sectors of society scale rapid action and collaborate towards both protecting and enhancing nature. 

The business sector has an important role to play in how biodiversity is managed. Businesses rely on and impact biodiversity and nature, and can influence and partner with organisations connected to their entire supply chains and value chains to create transformative and accelerated action for nature. 

Below we explore ‘how is biodiversity managed’, how to measure biodiversity, and how JBNotes as a biodiversity consultancy can assist your organisation on its sustainable business journey.

How is biodiversity managed?

As businesses increasingly take stock of their reliance and impacts on the environment, so too are they looking for mechanisms to better manage nature and biodiversity.

Using a range of available science-based tools and methodologies, companies are finding ways of how to measure biodiversity. It’s only when companies can measure biodiversity that they can take strategic action to enhance it, and become nature positive

At JBNotes, our specialist biodiversity consultancy in Australia supports businesses in identifying, measurin and tracking biodiversity as well as setting nature goals and targets. Answering all your questions on ‘how is biodiversity managed’, our experts can guide you through the journey towards being nature positive.

We also assist organisations in understanding how your business is reliant on biodiversity and natural capital, how your organisation impacts nature, to develop a comprehensive nature strategy. This can help your business identify risks and opportunities, while also managing disclosure and compliance responsibilities. 

JBNotes: Australian biodiversity consultancy

At JBNotes, our biodiversity consultancy supports companies like yours to answer questions like ‘how is biodiversity managed’ and ‘how to measure biodiversity’ by providing tools, methodologies, guidance and advice on how to create strategic business strategies that incorporate nature. 

One of the best ways to understand your business dependencies and impacts on nature is to conduct a nature assessment. This can help your business to prioritise actions to protect and restore nature, as well as manage risks and harness opportunities.

We use science-based targets for nature to help companies develop robust strategies for nature that are integrated with your business’ sustainability strategies. We also encourage and facilitate radical collaboration with organisations throughout your supply chain and value chain to ensure that nature is integrated deeply throughout your business. 

At JBNotes, we believe in managing nature in an integrated manner and in taking a systems approach that incorporates climate change, biodiversity and other key aspects of sustainability to create a uniquely holistic approach to future-proofing your business. By taking a systems approach, your business can leverage opportunities of being a sustainability leader, unlock new markets and innovate new business models.